Facebook sucks so I've decided to post the pictures here for everyone to grab whatever you guys wanna grab ok. My facebook's uploader kept freezing and it's annoying bleh.

Me and Jiaying(: See we're so glam together. Especially without our hats on. Gee, we should just have our hats off unless we're cooking man!
Which reminds me of how annoying my hair can be sometimes):

There! I'm on the right. How geeky. Hweeshan in the center, hweehong aka BUDDEH on the left! :D We're good buds man.

Me and my cute buddeh hahahahha. LOVE her cheeks!
PS: Now I know why people call me the big eyes. My hat enlarges it totally!!!

Ben and buddeh. Ben did it first, and buddeh thought it was fun to follow him lol. Look at the cute photo! :D
Grand event comin' up, this was how it started out!

Nice table sets(:

Action stations:
Baking and Pastry

Asian Kitchen ;)

Garde Manger!

Food for the big partay!

Main course:



Sugar flowers, made by my fellow classmates! Zooming in to take the yellow flower!

Amazing. It's done petal by petal you know!

Action stations:

After! :D
Cy and Qianping!:D

After!(YT and Jeremy)

(Yijie and adam!)

Chef Jason, in charge of Top Table aka NIGHTMARE!

Chef Desmond ( :D ), in charge of fabrication and Mr Sim, lecturer for wine later on!

Mr Daniel Chia, a man to be fearful of!

Chef Desmond and Chef Travor!

Backs of the chefs heh.

Chef Desmond and eric lau

Chef desmond again :D

Crazy shots:
Hweeshan and her stewarding area!

Qianping, followed by Joy, Sindy, AMANDA CHOONG, Derick?, and Wenjie!


Xiangai giving me some constipated look.

See, another one.

Justin acting weird. Why am I not surprised?

Buddeh's plate ( she asked me to take this o.o)

Me and Justin =.=

Justin, Gin and me!

Daphne and me :D

Chef Benedict!

Yanting (:


Eric lau =.=

Wuman ;)

Sunny and Steph!

Eric lau, unglam moment


Wastage ):

Group photos! :D
Happy family :D
Even Chef Joyce and Chef Desmond are in it! (big long hat)

Man do I look ugly in all of the photos. My buddeh is the cutest! :D
And hey hey piggy! :D I took a picture of our lecture theatre so that you'll know how it looks like inside! :D

This was taken from the... left side of the room! X) I was taking it without anyone noticing so Jenson (the boy in front) doesnt know. Bleh! :D See how cool the table is and all? :D
PS: Tomorrow steak whee! Enjoy the photos!
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