Since my dear cousin requested for a nice new update, HERE IT IS!
Update's over. Ciao~!
Ok Cousin don't kill me. Recently I've been looking for fault-free phone that I can change to because my current phone, the W910i has been dying on me A LOT.
Seriously, I took the effort to count how many times it hung to day and it was amazing.
I bet none of you can even guess it!
It's 26 times. TWENTY SIX!
Seriously, with a phone like that, why did it even appear in the market? I've heard TONS of complains bout this phone which kinda made me wonder if those Sony Ericsson people actually did their quality control. The phone doesn't last more than 6 months WITHOUT hanging like, TWICE or something.
People, if you're thinking of getting this phone, I'd rather you guys get an army phone or something.
Hang on, my phone hung again! Amazing. That makes it a friggin 27 times. Oh. Hung again. 28! 29. 30.
Look at these:
Defective phone
Automatic ShutdownPhone working below expectationsPhone restartingFaulty New phoneRestarting PhoneIf you're wondering if any phone has normal problems such as these, THINK AGAIN. If you still don't believe me, TRY IT.
Seriously, this is the most ridiculous phone I've ever seen. The teacher mentioned to us about quality control today and how some phone companies throw their phone about and see if it's still in working condition etc.
Guess what. I think SE didnt even do a SHIT before they launched this retarded phone!
Anyway, forget the phone. I am never getting Sony Ericsson again BECAUSE their services suck too. Therefore, I am NEVER, going to get sony phones no matter how cheap, good looking or filled with 493840923840294820948 functions to play with.
Apart from Sony, I've heard loads of things about others. This kind of annoys me cause I want a nice fault-free phone, which is almost impossible. I've gone through phone lists over and over, reading comments and etc. Giles also told me it's almost impossible because opinions given in the forumns are normally people who faced problems and those that do not do not even post it because, why do they bother anyway!
So after like, really really long, I've finally decided on this phone.

The LG Secret KF750.
It's not the newest phone in town, but so far, I've hardly heard complaints bout this one AND, the functions are resonably good. Also, the price is nice and cheap :D Hah! Beat that, I'm a cheapo!
I just hope when I get this phone, it won't die on me like my sony.
Please, let it live): I'll take care of it better hahahahaha.