I hate today. Seriously. There are days I just randomly dislike due to certain events. But you know what? I HATE today.
Absolutely HATE today.
First, I had to screw up so bad last night, and today I'm as blur as a god knows what. I've already intended to get home, start on my CP which is also tiring me out, work on my research for my debate and of course, solve something important.
I've been looking forward to that 'something important' but guess who had to come in and block me?
Keep guessing. I'm pretty sure you'll never guess.
Oh god I HATE printers. For some bloody reason, whenever I want to print something, I get the jams, the ink problems whatever. Whatever the printer can come up with, it'll just happen all on me.
And I swear to God I'm not making this up. In citibank, I get stupid paper jams all the time from those laser printers.
Haha laser printers. What a joke. You think they're good? BLEH.
I tell you what technology does to you. Teahnology grows more and more advance, but it eats into the very soul of every human being alive. Simple technology like the telephones and computers are already eating into young kids in primary schools. Printers are so valued in our everday lives that none of us can live without it. Tvs have been the cause of many eye problems. God knows what else technology can do.
I'm not saying technology is as bad as can be. It's just a double edged sword.
I can't believe how much I rely on these stupid machines that spit out paper with ink and as much as I want them all dead and smashed under my parang, I can't seem to think of any other alternatives except to handwrite, which might cause so much damange to my hands. Imagine life without a printer, where do you even get storybooks from? Assessment books omg. TEXTBOOKS.
You know what people should do?
Printer companies should guarantee their printers for life. I'm serious. They've giving 2 years or one year gaurantee but guess what, it spoils in a few months D: Jam and jam. For christ's sake, it's NOT a jamming machine, it's a PRINTER.
It's pissing me off to think that the printers in the world are making fun of me. You know what, I just destroyed a microfilming machine and I'm not afraid of you.
I'm serious. If you annoy me again, imma gather the baseball bat under my dad's bed and imma smack you before you can say:
'Washing ink cartridge'.